Watch Out!

Reunions can create contagious hysteria!
Reunions strike fear into the heart of many... Small talk, old people, granny kisses, sore cheeks from all the "you're so cute" pinching. Sadly, these two "freaks" did not stand a chance. They went crazy and so could you. Watch out for...

Mind numbing delicious food that we did not have to make.
Horrendous bouts of laughing.
Retina burning beautiful surroundings.
Lung clogging fresh air.
Bone crushing hugs from loving family members that couldn't wait to see us!

I guarantee you could never survive it. Let this be a lesson to you...reunions can be contagious. Someone is bound to say that they will, "See you next year!" Ahhhhhh!! Please think twice, make sure you can handle the pressure, and whatever you do...please remember...your color coded shirt for reunion family fun night!

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During our fabulous Gardner reunion, we stayed at a nice resort that offered a hot tub, pool, kiddy pool, and splash pad. Many of us enjoyed a bit of a swim. My sweet and charming nephew, Bryant, is full of energy and loves the water. everyone knows...splashing in the kiddy pool totally attracts the ladies! Bryant found a beautiful little friend to splash with today. They look to be the same age. They kicked and kicked and had a blast. In the top pic, he was quizzing her color knowledge.

Bryant: Do you know what color this is?

Girl: yes...yellow.

Bryant: Do you know what color this is?

Girl: yes...I know all the colors!

She wanted to be clear that she was a color expert! He giggled, she giggled and they splish splashed again.

Oh young love...or at least a fleeting romance. Love is love!

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